幽暗荒芜的非法边境,两个父亲来此寻找他们的孩子,一个只想把意外死亡的儿子带回故乡安葬,但却付不出钱买回被盗占的尸体;一个希望失踪的女儿一切安好,但却发现难以忍受的心碎事实。意外、死亡、犯罪、强暴、凌辱......,一切的追寻都走向宿命的哀伤,他们的生命也在无边无尽的苦难汪洋中,寻找着最后一片救赎的浮木,绝望中,幻想着希望的曙光。 罗马尼亚新锐导演西尼沙德雷金继2002年以《Every Day God Kisses Us on the Mouth》勇夺鹿特丹影展金虎奖等国际肯定后,又一探讨社会人性的深刻力作。全片以风格独特的黑色魔幻影像,细腻勾勒出东欧历经战乱内斗、宗教对立、动荡政治等多重冲击之后的荒谬景况,一出出悲哀至极的人生惨剧,一幕幕民族与历史的创痛,都在影像的娓娓叙述中,触动人性底层最温暖的渴望。 Two fathers, a Romanian searching for his daughter who was forced into prostitution in Kosovo, and a Serbian seeking the body of his son killed in a car accident in Romania, meet on the river Danube. A boatman recounts the 200 year-old legend of Romanian peasants struggling unsuccessfully to move an old wooden church up the hill to their village at a time when building Orthodox churches was prohibited.