她和她那不太成熟的母亲艾玛一起生活。她每天都在和猫玩,在一家意大利餐馆吃饭,监视她的梦幻邻居Tristan,痴迷地记录他的一举一动。但随着新一代的放荡不羁的邻居理查德的到来,这一切都发生了变化,她点燃了她那愚蠢的母亲的浪漫兴趣,并引发了一系列令人尴尬的插曲。 Lou lives alone with her absurdly immature mother, Emma. She spends her days playing with cat, eating at a italian restaurant, and spyi ng on her dreamy neighbor Tristan, obsessively journaling his every move. But all this changes with arrival of the new bohemian neighbor, Richard, who ignites her goofy mother's romantic interest and triggers a series of increasingly embarrassing episodes.